Thursday, June 10, 2010

UK finished 'Rock Bottom' in 2010- Not like Lynsey De Paul & Mike Moran

Yes, once again United Kingdom finished last in Oslo with Josh - 'That Sounds Good to Me' there is some hope
now as at least one of the 'Big 4' countries in Eurovision have shown -they can win. Perhapes something simple like 'Rock Bottom' it finished as a runner-up to the French winner of Eurovision 1977
- certainly even a Piano-Duo worked for Romania's Ovi & Paula 'Playing With Fire' in 2010 they came 3rd

If you wanna see a great selection of classic tunes from 1970's click on
Best of Eurovision in 70's be sure to hang out for Anne Marie David in 1979 at the end.

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Mildred Patricia Baena