Monday, April 11, 2011

TV5′s Official Statement Regarding ‘Willing Willie’

Willing Willie will be pre-empted by “Primetime Super Sine” and “Magic? Gimik!” for two weeks while being probed by MTRCB.

Here is the official statement sent by TV5:

TV5, with the cooperation of Mr. Willie Revilame and WilProductions, Inc., has decided to stop the airing of the Willing Willie show for a period of 2 weeks starting April 11, 2011.

During this period, TV5 will dialogue and work with the MTRCB, KBP, PANA and other stakeholders to come up with appropriate guidelines that will apply to all networks and the entire industry with respect to the participation or use of children in talent, game and reality shows for television. TV5 will also complete the improvement of its internal guidelines and processes to achieve the same end.

Furthermore, the network will work with Mr. Willie Revillame and WilProductions, Inc. in order to improve the program and ensure that it will continue to bring fun and entertainment to its many loyal viewers.

TV5 reiterates its commitment to responsible broadcasting and vows to continuously enhance its programs as its way of serving the public and thanking its viewers for their unceasing support, trust and patronage.

Beginning Monday, April 11, TV5 will show “Primetime Super Sine” and “Magic? Gimik!” in the “Willing Willie” timeslot.

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Mildred Patricia Baena