Okay, because I'll be distracted by some bloke in a bow tie and his three mates this weekend, here's a look at some of the stuff I've watched over the last week ...
Desperate Housewives: I need to catch up with an episode later tonight but I did like the last episode that dealt with the consequences of Beth's death and actually humanised Paul for the first time this season. It's just too bad that the poor woman's death served an opportunity for Felicia to get free from jail but I did like that Paul allowed his wife to die, so that Susan could get a transplant, which means that plotline is now coming to an end. Other good plotlines included Andrew's alcoholism (even if came out of nowhere) and Bree trying to help him as well as Gabby learning a bit more about Renee's past. I have to admit that Renee is beginning to improve as a character too but the Lynette/Tom storyline bored me senseless yet again.
Game Of Thrones: You have to hand it to SkyAtlantic for being so quick on the ball with airing this series a day after HBO did. The first episode of this fantasy epic was alright, moved rather slowly in places and because I've never read the books, it did take a while to actually keep up with what was going on. The incestuous brother/sister duo harming Ned's son at the end of the episode was nasty as was the poor girl pawned off by her brother for an army. In terms of characters, the only ones I've liked so far as Ned, John Snow and Tyrien, the randy little imp. With a further nine episodes, I do think I'll be sticking with the show though.
Glee: When you do an episode about neglected artists, it's probably wise to actually do an episode about neglected artists. Which means doing songs by Jack Johnson, Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin or current chart fave, Adele doesn't count as neglected. Tina seemed to be the only to actually get the memo and the poor girl didn't even get to sing. As episodes go, this one was more lightweight with Sue assembling the worst supervillains going, Sunshine reminding us how well she can sing, Mercedes fighting for attention in the dumbest way possible and Will/Holly coming to a predictable break up. On the plus side, there was the joy of Santana threatening Karofsky and Brittany's knowledge of feline diseases to keep the episode going.
V: Ah, now I am really enjoying this series. Can we please have a third season, ABC? This episode might not have been the best one going but it was decent enough. We had Erica and the gang finally meeting Eli and Anna at her scheming best as she paid a holy visit this episode. Also, I really want Erica's new partner not to be a threat but the show kind of eviscerated that one quickly. That woman doesn't have the greatest of luck, does she? The downside was Tyler trashing the church but I've given up on that character so his doltish behaviour no longer shocks me.
The Walking Dead: Solid second episode. One criticism is that the show tends to move at a snails pace in parts but two episodes in and I can definitely understand the hype for the series. This one was certainly interesting with the gang actually using an interesting method to try and blend in with the zombies, just too bad that it didn't last for too long. As for Rick, he's still a likeable enough leading man but how much longer will we have to wait before he's reunited with his family?

- Cassidy Freeman has admitted that her character Tess Mercer will have scenes with Lex Luthor in the series finale of
- In news that won't shock but
Games Of Thrones has been renewed for a second season after the success of the premiere episode.
- BBCAmerica will be co-producing the fourth season of
Being Human with the BBC.
- Jim Carrey is the latest guest star for the finale for the US version of
The Office. Others include Catherine Tate, Ray Romano, Will Arnett and James Spader.
- Former
Heroes actor Masi Oka is writing and starring in a pilot for SyFy called
The Correctors.
- Kevin Alejandro will appear in the season finale of
Bones, playing the role of Hercules 'The Tornado' Maldanado.
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