Thursday, December 2, 2010

Doctor Who - A Christmas Carol Promotional Pictures

Okay, here are some pictures of the upcoming BBC Interactive Game, Shadow Of The Vashta Nerada and Christmas special, A Christmas Carol as well as some synopsises for both.

Synopsis: Kicking off immediately following the cliff-hanger ending of episode three, Shadows of the Vashta Nerada sees The Doctor and Amy materialise just south of London (and about a 1000 miles to the left) inside an aquatic sea-bed colony called Poseidon. The game features a breath-taking plot which surrounds a real-world conspiracy – and, of course, takes place at Christmas.

Synopsis: It's the deepest part of winter, the exact midpoint, Christmas Eve – halfway out of the dark. Amy and Rory are trapped on a stricken space liner that's plummeting through banks of thick icy fog to the surface of the planet below. Only one man has the power to save them; only one man is in possession of a machine that can clear the fog and let them land safely. That man is Kazran Sardick, a rich but lonely old miser who rules Sardicktown with a sky-mast of iron. The Doctor's only chance of rescuing the ship's four thousand passengers is to save Kazran's soul and show him that life is worth living. For this he needs to go back, way back, to when Kazran was a boy with a life full of promise. But can the Doctor put a song in Kazran's heart and love in his life, in time for Christmas? Can he bring him out of the dark?

The Doctor has a good look around the place and for this special we've got some flying sharks to look forward to. Come on, they can't be as naff as Max Capricorn in Voyage Of The Damned, can they?
The Doctor, Kazran (Michael Gambon) and a little boy, who might be the youngest version of Kazran that we meet in this special. Only Steven Moffat would add a timey wimey bend to a timeless classic. Expect some more pictures (hopefully ones with Amy and Rory) to surface soon as well.
One more picture with Kazran, the Doctor and Abigail Pettigrew (Katherine Jenkins). Rumours has it the lovely Miss Jenkins will be singing in this episode but surely that was to be expected, right? Only twenty three days to go now. And below is a link to this year's Adventure Calender.

Advent Calender:

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Mildred Patricia Baena