Tuesday, September 1, 2009

They're Back (Doctor Who Season 5 Spoilers)

Warning: From now on, at least once a month, depending on how juicy they are, I will be divulging some Season 5 spoilers for Doctor Who, with some general opinions and links to where I got some of them.

If you don't already know, the Daleks are back and seemingly in a World War 2 based story. Some are speculating that it's a single episode, possibly episode 3 or 6. No word on writer or director though.

Matt Smith (The Doctor) caught filming a scene behind the lines. The Doctor isn't best pleased to see his most enduring enemies again.

A Dalek playing hide and seek. Apparently this lot are full of surprises in this episode. One of them even offers to make tea. No, I'm not joking.

Not only do the Doctor and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) have to deal with a familiar foe but there's also the meeting of Winston Churchill (Ian McNiece, Rome) and Bill Patterson as a professor who thinks he's created the Daleks.

There's some nice audio recordings that have leaked courtesy of Alun Vega which you can hear here ... http://www.flickr.com/photos/alun_vega/sets/72157622117208010/

Choice bit of dialogue - I sent you back into the void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor, and you are the Da-leks!- The Doctor.

I know some people want a season or two devoid of Daleks but this sounds like a really interesting story (some have drawn comparisons to Power Of The Daleks, which I've never seen, because the Daleks play 'servant' for a bit). WW2 setting, Churchill and the Doctor's behaviour all suggest this might have more in common to do with Dalek as opposed to the finales we've seen them in.

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Mildred Patricia Baena