Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mar Roxas - Korina Sanchez Wedding on October 23, 2009

Senator Mar Roxas and Korina Sanchez' wedding will finally push through.

The Date. The wedding is set in the afternoon of October 23, 2009.

The Church. It's a toss-up between Sto. Domingo Church and the Manila Cathedral.

"Mar and I want to hold it at the Sto. Domingo Church which has a long walk and a beautiful entrance with beautiful stained glass all over it. There are wonderful, wide corridors and a garden in the middle. The Manila Cathedral is also an old church which has beautifully gilded cornices and a beautiful ceiling and is very regal aside from it already being air-conditioned. There may be another church we are looking at, like San Sebastian Church and Quiapo Church. We will decide which one this week." according to Korina.

The Reception. The reception will definitely be held at Bahay na Puti (in Cubao, Quezon City), the home of Mar’s lolo and lola and the venue of the reception for the wedding of Mar’s parents, former Sen. Gerry Roxas and Judy Araneta, and his aunt Baby Araneta and Dr. Raul Fores.

Korina said, "In a big way, we are following tradition. There may be more than a thousand guests although we have yet to finalize the list. Mar has relatives in Negros, Iloilo, Capiz and Bulacan; while mine are from Pampanga. Some of my relatives will come from New York."

The Entourage. Korina and Mar have yet to finalize the list of ninongs and ninangs and secondary sponsors. But all the rest of the entourage are already in placed.

"I think I will have 12 bridesmaids. I have called my best friends from my childhood until today. I’ve lost touch with some of them so I had to look them up and call them. They were all thrilled and so am I. These bridesmaids make this special event very real for me as these are women who had been there to share my lowest moments and my highest throughout my life so far. I will have six flower girls one of whom is my niece Saila. Of course, Baby James is our ring bearer, Dyan Castillejo’s son Matthew is the Bible bearer and I am hoping I can make my nephew Miguel walk as the coin bearer. My two nieces, Tyra and Maya, will be junior bridesmaids along with Mercedes, Mar’s niece." she said delightfully.

Other Wedding Details. Kris Aquino will anchor the ABS-CBN coverage of the wedding. Korina’s gown will be designed by Pepito Albert and those of the entourage by Patrice Ramos-Diaz and Randy Ortiz. Mar’s cousin Margarita Fores has drawn up the menu and, in fact, they have set up a mock of the reception dinner tables.

"Ang ganda! It’s exactly how I would want a wedding dinner table to be. Beautiful! Mar keeps reminding me, 'Not too much,' so it’s great that my contacts all gave me discounts and friends lent me old things to use for the decor. It is turning out so well." exclaimed Korina.

Korina calls their wedding a "People’s Wedding" because she and Mar are not keeping anything secret. Every detail will be documented and shown as a two-hour special on Channel 2.

"So, makikita ng tao ang lahat ng detalye ng kasal. We are thinking of a way to accommodate people who would like to be at the church and be part of this special moment between myself and Mar. Mar has helped so many people and everywhere I go, people ask, 'Kailan ang kasal? Imbitado ba kami?' They want to go. It is very heartwarming and I wish we could invite the whole country. Hahahaha! So I guess television is the best way to make them part of it."

The Honeymoon. Korina didn’t say where. But are they going to show that, too, in the TV coverage?

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Mildred Patricia Baena