Sunday, December 30, 2007
What's In Your Shampoo? Hair Health, And Hair Loss Prevention Using Natural Products
We do our shopping and purchase our hair care products and assume we are doing the right things for hair health. Through promotion and marketing we are led to believe that some of the products available today are things we just can't do without. But is that really true?
To find the answer you must first look at the structure of hair. Below the skin is the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland and blood vessels. The hair itself is made up of protein. When you brush your hair it causes the sebaceous gland to produce sebum. This oily substance coats and protects the hair from the elements. It also stimulates the blood vessels to provide the nourishment your hair needs. Brushing your hair and or massaging the scalp are beneficial to hair health.
With commercial products, most shampoos and conditioners contain harsh chemicals and synthetic products. In shampoos, that means it can over clean your hair and strip it of its precious oils. Now you need to condition it to replace the oils. It can harm the scalp and hair follicles. It is the same with laundry detergents. They are loaded with fillers and less actual soap so that they can sell you more detergent. It's a money making strategy that has worked so they will continue to do so.
Now if you are like most people, you've read the labels but don't have a clue as to what the ingredients really are and what their function is. Here it is in layman's terms:
1) Distereate and propylene glycol or glycol are petroleum based (crude oil). They are very cheap which is why they are widely used in the cosmetic industry.
2) Isopropyl alcohol is another very cheap solvent.
3) Propylparaben or Methylparen are preservatives that are synthetic. The human body typically does not understand synthetic, it understands organic.
4) Cetearyl alcohol is an emulsifier and it can be natural or synthetic. Synthetic is often used because it's cheaper and easier to produce.
These petrochemicals are absorbed through the skin, then down through the organs and tissues. Many believe that long term exposure to these toxins can cause permanent damage anywhere in the body, and yet, governments have sided with big industry to not require them to disclose what these products contain or what they really are. Instead we have big fancy names you can hardly pronounce let alone understand.
The solution? It's not as hard as you think. It's as close as you health food store or even your own fridge. Here are some tips:
1) Buy a natural liquid soap from the health food store. Also purchase some essential oils such as lavender (for all hair types), rosemary, clary sage, cedar wood, birch and peppermint (for hair loss) bergamot, rosewood, eucalyptus etc. Also purchase natural oils such as olive, jojoba, or avocado. Here's what to do; in a clean spray bottle, pour in about ½ a cup of distilled or spring water. Add 1 cup of liquid soap. Then take 2 tsp of your vegetable oil and add 10 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oils. It can be just one or several combined oils. Shake gently. There you have it. Simple as that! (Essential oils always need to be in a vegetable oil base because of its concentration). You should not need a cream rinse after that because oils will be replaced.
2) If you need deep conditioning, try saturating your hair in mayonnaise or warmed olive oil. Wrap tightly and cover with a shower cap and let rest on the hair for approximately 20 minutes, then rinse out. You can also take 2 egg yolks and whisk them until frothy, then add some warm water. Pour over hair and leave on for 2 minutes then rinse well.
3) It's a good idea to do a final rinse on your hair with something acidic such as cider vinegar, lemon juice, beer or even milk. Add any of these ingredients with some water to rinse your hair with to restore the alkaline/acid balance of your hair and scalp, and take off any residue you may have left on your hair.
There are many good natural recipes for healthy hair but these are a few things to get you started in the right direction. Experiment with different essential and vegetable oils to find what you like best. Natural, your body understands, so here's to a good hair day!
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Hair Care Revolution And Bangs
With new products focusing on the health of your hair you have more control and can now work with many different hair styles. The new formulas are created to meet the needs of a fast paced society. These new products feature ingredients that restore moisture and nutrients that tend to make hair stronger and thicker in appearance. With time being a factor for many women, the need for these products continues to grow.
Consumers are opting for soft, touchable hairstyles that appear natural. Salon patrons are demanding a hair style that is easy to manage. The common tread in choosing a new hair style is the ease in caring for it. Cutting edge salons are creating styles by precise haircuts that are light, healthy, and flexible. With daily challenges to the hair from the elements, the emphasis is on innovative easy to care for styled hair.
To protect your hair from heat and chemicals including chlorine, one of the essentials is to opt for one of the new styles that are easy to keep up. Deep conditioning and frequent trims go a long way in protecting your crowning glory.
Hairstylists are finding that the look of natural hair is fashion friendly. Style and shape are the key elements in today's hairstyles. The introduction of most of these easy hairstyles came from the celebrities sporting the cuts. In high humidity you have to have styles that rebound well. The resurgence of bangs is the outgrowths of a new line up of different types of wash and wear hairstyles. There are dynamic ways that bangs change the impact of your hairstyle.
They offer versatility in a way that can not be matched. They increase the ways you can capture a new look in a matter of minutes. The different types of bangs vary depending on the texture of the hair. Going natural means hair that appears to be healthy and not sprayed into place. Manageability is a key focus and choppy bangs, short bangs, wispy bangs, and side bangs are a perfect example of simple easy to keep styling.
Haircuts with bangs are a big Hollywood trend. With the rise of hairstyles with bangs it means that finally everybody will find a different cut that will feature easy to care for trendy looks. Haircuts with bangs represent a new type of chic. Hairstyles with bangs work for the working women, the mature women, and the young women. For those interested in getting a short, medium or long hairdo bangs will work in a unique way with every hair length
Think of celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, and Paris Hilton and you can see the different looks that are attainable from a good haircut. For an exciting new style bangs can make the difference from ordinary to extraordinary. With the new choppy and asymmetrical styles you need to find a great hair stylist in one of the new upscale salons that now can be found in many locations.
Think Alyssa Milano and take a big step by changing your look with the help of a skilled stylist. There are many different techniques that can mold your hair into a trendy style.
The way to become aware of all the ways you can change your look is to locate a professional hair styles that is experienced in creating new looks with great skill.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Beauty Market And Hairstyles For Women
There is a wellness-vanity connection that is understood by the consumer. For retailers in the beauty market that understand this, there is a payoff. One of the industries that get the message is the hair care and beauty salon stylist. Connecting looking good with feeling good is what the beauty industry is about. A stylist knows that to restore a youthful healthy quality to the head of hair boost the outlook of the client.
There are two valid trains of thoughts that include the beauty market as a product of fitness, nutrition and wellness. Beauty from within is a balance of wellness, confidence, and happiness. People value nature, purity, balance, and beauty. The vanity part of the equation is a given human trait. If you consider the size of the health and beauty market you appreciate the connection.
So what is it you are looking for when you chose a salon and hair stylist? A positive image of oneself is a function of a lot of factors. Not the least is ones physical appearance. The beneficial feature of a great new hairstyle is the way it makes you look and feel. When you do even an inside-out makeover you have to look in the mirror and see a radiant new you or at least an improved version of the old you. Combating signs of aging is usually one of the prime reasons that people continue to turn to hair salons for color, cut, and styling.
What you are looking for in a salon is a skilled stylist that has experience and works with some of the best products. The compatibility of the stylist and the client provides the backdrop to the emotional connection that is essential to the beauty parlor experience.
Stellar service is a must in a salon. Upscale salons are all about customer service and customer satisfaction. I have found that customers expect a stylist and salon that can deliver all the nuances of the salon experience. This type of salon is an important segment of the beauty industry. Remember the $600 plus haircut that made the news on the campaign trail?
Celebrities rely on stylist for their appeal as trend setters. I call this the power of packaging. We may get the impression that nature had more to do with the celebrity look than a combined effort of a great hairstylist and major commitment to working hard at being visually pleasing. For most people it is not practical or cost effective to market how we look. However, we are always to a certain degree marketing ourselves.
The single most cost effect way with the least effort is to have a trendy hairstyle that shows off a healthy head of hair.
There are quite a few attributes that beautiful hair needs. A hairstyle for women has to include these factors. One is to realize color that has a visual impact. The other is to have a modern style that is easy to keep. From elegant chic to fresh and perky hair can compliment our personalities and transform our appearance. The important factor is to nourish your hair with treatments that are common place in a good hair salon. Beautiful healthy looking fashionable hair is just a salon stop away. A hairstyle for women has to enhance the intrinsically linked beauty from within with the visual aesthetics of an appealing outward appearance.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
My review of Angel's 6x02: "After The Fall Part 2"

Written by Brian Lynch
Artwork by Franco Urru
Female Bodyguard: “Nobody touches Spike, Lord of Beverley Hills and our saviour squared.”
Angel: “Saviour squared. Yep, now it’s officially hell.”
Issue 1 to this arc started well enough but I have to admit that this issue didn’t overcome me with much excitement as Angel tells Wesley about killing Burges’ son and refuses his friends’ request to help him. I guess Angel wasn’t joking when he admitted to not being sure of Wesley – now he’s showing it.
Wesley doesn’t necessarily react to having offered to help rejected but you can tell by the look on his face that he isn’t a happy bunny over it either. I like that Angel does feel bad for how he treats Wesley but under the circumstances, he might have a good reason to be abrasive.
Not only is he not certain as what Wesley’s motives are at the moment but because he slaughtered the Burges’ irritating kid, he realises that he’s also painted a target on Connor as a result. Still there’s minor fun in Angel knocking down demons as he makes his way to his son’s hideout and is greeted by Nina.
Now I like Nina as a character but I wasn’t really keen on listening to her erratic responses when Angel was asking her a simple question. I get that being in hell is fucking up her mental state and perhaps there’s a juicy plot in there for future issues to cover but right now I don’t care. Angel’s worried about the only person left in his life and he’s got good reason too.
Fortunately Connor’s amazing skills at hacking and slashing are back to their Season Four best as Angel sees his boy slaughtering demons without breaking a sweat. Yeah, it seems another demon wants to be Lord of Westwood and Connor is ending his reign before it begins.
What’s even better is that Connor’s reaction to seeing his father is of pure delight. Okay so he might be a tiny bit annoyed that Angel hasn’t been in touch recently but overall he’s trying to impress Angel with his slaying. Angel makes a note of that while admitting that he’s also keen to impress Connor. It’s nice that there is at least one really sweet moment in an arc so inherently bleak. Heck, Connor even takes it well when he finds out that he might be a target for Burges.
Of course the father and son reunion does get interrupted by Gwen. She’s zapping demons left, right and centre but she’s also found something pretty gnarly and when you’re stuck in hell, that’s something of an achievement.
Given the location they happen to be in, I’m gonna guess it’s the remains of KR’PH and his pals. The fact that Gwen then muses about their being a new player in town only proves that point when the next thing we see is Gunn and some kind of spider web. I forgot that he stole company.
The fish from last issue is Betta George and he’s not thrilled with being kidnapped by a vampire. Funny thing is his willingness to listen to Gunn in spite of not knowing whether or not his captor is worthy of being trusted. Gunn might make an excellent quip about a rotting corpse but true to form he’s not amused with his own transformation.
He gets pretty animated when George calls him a vampire and tells the telepathic fish about the many times he’s slain vampires. More importantly is his bitterness towards Angel. Gunn regrets ever trusting his former boss and even holds him responsible for his current state. Not entirely sure I would agree with that. Like everyone else, Gunn knew exactly what he was getting into when he signed up with Wolfram And Hart but at the same, there’s no way he deserved this cruel fate.
Gunn’s attempts to try and differentiate himself from other vampires comes across as denial. He’s disgusted by what he has become but at the same time, he’s eating humans to survive and even aggressively assaults George for little reason. The scorn by his team mates also suggests he might have a mutiny on his hands too.
Also we see him place the orb he stole from KR’PH placed in a room of what looks like demon remains of sorts. Gunn plotting revenge on Angel is just another sore point with this issue. Having the Eye Of Ramras is also bad seeing as it amplifies power.
Any chance that Gunn might be using that to get his soul back, boost his physical strength or on the rare off chance becoming human again? Where a Chameleon Arch when you need one? I think I’ve gone from Gunn being a vampire is unfair to Gunn being a vampire flat out sucks.
Another sore point about this issue is that Angel lies to Connor when the lad asks if he knows who’s responsible for all the carnage? Angel obviously knows its Gunn and probably feels guilty about what happened to his mate but Angel really can’t afford to keep Connor in the dark. Connor is the only real ally along with Nina and Gwen that Angel has right now. Keeping secrets will put them in harm’s way.
Gwen isn’t really as useful in the part of the issue as Angel and Connor mainly talk among themselves and she’s kind of left out. Gwen folding her arms and sulking is a good indicator that she doesn’t like being kept out of the loop. I wonder how she’ll feel when she discovers the new player in town is the same dude who took her virginity as well.
Still Angel chooses to leave both Connor and Gwen out of things because apparently dealing with things by him is the better option. In the least savage looking part of this hell on earth, a mansion and a gaggle of demonic babes reveal that Spike is living the life of luxury.
I’d love to say that I was so looking forward to Spike’s return but seeing as I found him to be mostly a hindrance in Season Five, I really wasn’t that fussed on seeing him. Spike doing his best Hugh Hefner stance and flashing his chest while women tend to him in hardly anything is a stark contrast to everything else. I supposed someone should be smelling the roses so to speak. Who better than Spike in terms of rubbing it into Angel?
Spike lazes about spewing mostly bullshit on how he has defeated most of the baddies since moving to LA and suffice to say, his ladies are lapping it up like there’s no tomorrow. There’s also going to be someone who’ll be impressed with Spike but honestly I’m finding somewhat irritating in this issue.
Angel’s also not particularly pleased with his enemy putting his own spin on things and the fact that Spike has bodyguards willing to inflict damage on Angel just reeked of annoyance. There’s a nice moment where one of Spike’s ladies shows an interest in Angel and anything that annoys Spike has to be a good thing.
Sadly while Angel might get a delightful punch it’s the presence of Illyria and her sudden devotion to Blondie Bear that see Angel on the verge of an ass kicking. Great, Spike’s appearance was annoying enough and now that Illyria has become his gushing sycophant I’m less than thrilled with seeing her again.
Also in “After The Fall Part 2”
Cover issue I got was Spike and his hoards of babes. There are two versions of the other two covers out there.
Wesley: “Do you want me to come with you?”
Angel: “To be honest, Wes … I really don’t.”
Wesley: “Right, then. I’ll stay here and haunt the fort.”
Okay can Franco Urru please stop drawing both Nina and Gwen like porn starlets? It’s distracting and not in a good way.
Angel: “Connor needs to watch his back. So Nina how have you -”
Nina: “I eat bloody meat now.”
Angel: “Oh good.”
Angel (re Connor): “After all I put him though. I mean this is literally the second time I punched his ticket to hell. Not many fathers can say that.”
Stupid question but was Angel hitting on Nina during their little scene together? I don’t think he wanted to go on a killing spree with her.
Angel: “I killed the son of a lord.”
Connor: “Good for you, seriously. Wow. Just that paints a big ass target on my head, doesn’t it?”
Angel: “Yeah. Sorry about that.”
Gwen (to Angel/Connor): “Yo. ‘Anything you can do, I can do better’ going well? Awesome. You’re going to want to come with me.”
What’s the symbol drawn around George’s bed supposed to represent?
Gunn: “Comfortable.”
Betta George: “Gotta admit, not really. The accommodation in this place suck and it smells like rotting corpse.”
Gunn: “That’s probably because of the rotting corpse.”
Gunn (to Betta George, re Angel): “See someone fancies himself a white hat because he’s got a soul. Thinks he gets in touch with the man he was, makes him good. Funny thing, though. Maybe the man he was wasn’t all that good to begin with.”
One of the doors in Gunn’s place has a rotting octopus like creature strung up. It looks like it’s protecting that room.
Gunn (to Betta George): “It’s not about the soul. I’m living proof of that.”
Vampire: “Formerly living proof.”
Gwen: “It’s a vampire or many vampires.”
Angel: “How can you be sure?”
Gwen: “A few ladies told me. Not so much with words but with their necks and horrified dead expressions.”
There’s some strange marking on the wall that doesn’t seem consistent with the ones on the floor of Betta George’s bed.
Angel (re dragon): “Just go. He’ll find me. He’s a little jumpy around anyone who isn’t me so call him by his name to let him know you’re on the up and up.”
Connor: “What’s his name?”
Connor: “That’s what you went with? I’m serious Angel. Weirder and weirder.”
The dragon’s name is Dudden as far as I can make out. That’s not the weirdest of names to call a dragon.
Spike: “In the end, the forces of darkness didn’t stand a chance against Spike. All bloody hail.”
Female Demons: “Bloody hail.”
Spike: “Oh for goodness sake. Eyes back in your head, Spider.”
Spider (re Angel): “He reeks of magic.”
Spike: “And I don’t?”
That female bodyguard looked similar to a Bond villain.
Spike (to Angel): “You’re leaving in two ways. One in a teeny, tiny little urn. Two – you know what? I can only think of the one.”
Illyria (to Angel, re Spike): “Your presence is irritating my pet. Perhaps you dismemberment will soothe him.”
There’s an interview with Gary Russell previewing the Doctor Who comics that IDW have coming up in January with this issue as well.
Meh, I was under whelmed. “After The Fall Part 2” hyped up both Spike and Illyria’s return and both of them left me feeling cold. Thank God for Gunn’s struggle as a vampire and Angel/Connor stuff, otherwise this would’ve been a total chore to read.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Green Hair - the How to on Getting Rid of it !
Getting Rid Of Green Hair
What causes my hair to turn green ?
There are 3 major causes of “green hair”
(1) swimming
(2) hair color
(3) hard (well) water
Continue reading to see the “why” and “solution” to the mystery behind green hair…
(1) Swimming – Your hair is like a sponge.. when you get into the pool and dip your head into the water it soaks up the chlorine and over time ends up giving your hair a green cast. If your hair is blond you will have green hair.
(a.) Solution
- if your hair is already green use Paul Mitchells shampoo 3… it removes chlorine and impurities keeping the hair healthy and moisturized
- to keep the green from coming back, wet your hair with fresh water and conditioner in your sink, shower or use a water bottle.. if you use a water bottle put conditioner in it… when using the sink or shower apply a little conditioner after wetting it.. this will put a barrier on the hair not allowing anything else to soak up
(2) Hair Color – from home color to over-processed hair, if you have blond hair do not color your hair without seeing your stylist.. if can turn green if you have over-processed hair.. it will be very dry, brittle and resemble cotton candy (NOT GOOD!)
(b.) Solution
- I always recommend seeing your stylist in these situations
(3) Hard (Well) Water – with the high amount of copper or nickel in your hard water, you’re bound to get copper or a green tint…
(c.) Solution
If you can, get a softener, if that’s not possible there are filters for the shower head at reasonable prices or purple/blue shampoo for blondes and grey (like shimmer lights at Sally’s)
Now that you have some information on what causes green hair and how to handle it, you can relax and know what to do the next time it happens to you or someone you know.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Emma Watson on Empire's Sexiest Movie Stars
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Hair Coloring Tips - Home Hair Coloring Tips
Some hair professionals may try to discourage you from doing your own home hair color, saying that drugstore hair color products are harsh and the results can be uncertain. But the truth is that you can achieve excellent results and save a lot of money by coloring your hair at home as long as you know a few basics about choosing the right color and applying it correctly. The advantage of hair coloring is that a person can opt for a hair color that goes well with his or her looks and also according to the personal choice. Coloring the hair improves the confidence and looks of a person. Hair coloring gives an instant change to the person’s look. The changes can range from subtle, simple to the major and dramatic one. Hair color has an impact on the texture of the hair as it gives instant volume to fine and thin strands of hair and also affects the waves and curls in some cases.
Hair Color Mistakes
1. Applying dye to dirty, tangled hair.
2. Staining your skin or clothes.
3. Picking a color that does not fit with your natural hair color.
4. Dying eyebrows and eyelashes.
Hair coloring is not new to people as it has been carried out in the past too. Now there are various colors from blonde to blue made possible for both men and women. Hair dyes are made up of either bleaches or pigments or colors. The natural hair color of any person is due to the genetic or hereditary factors. Hair coloring can add fun, shine and drama to the hair style.
Permanent hair colors break the hair cuticle and deposit pigment in the hair shaft. Permanent color is said to lighten the hair as the hair is bleached and then the color is deposited in a single step process. Hair color is formed by the movement of the light rays either through absorption or reflection caused by artificial pigment which is added to the hair during the tinting process or by the natural pigment of hair. Permanent hair colors are used to cover gray hair to a large extent and it is also said to cause damage to the hair if they are used for a longer term and can even result in irreversible damage to the hair. Natural hair color is formed by the absorption or reflection of the light rays by the pigment called melanin. The amount, distribution and size of the melanin determine the hair color of the person.
Healthy Hair – Hair Coloring Tips
Shampoo that’s made for color treated hair keeps your hair color soft and natural looking. Regular shampoos can strip color and natural moisture from your hair.
Install a water filter for your shower or bath. Besides frequently being treated with chemicals, tap water coming through old plumbing contains undesirable elements like rust that leave your new hair color flat and dull looking.
Deep condition regularly – at least every two weeks – to restore moisture and shine to color treated hair. As roots grow out, a color enhancing conditioner will help your natural hair color blend with your color treated hair.
After shampooing, always blot your hair dry. Don’t rub hair dry or wrap it in a tight turban. When using a blow dryer, dry your head– not your hair. Over drying hair strips it of moisture and also results in static.
Caution while applying temporary dyes
Application of dye on chemically processed hair or the application of the wrong dye can result in odd colors. So it is usually recommended to choose a shade somewhat lighter than the natural shade of your hair.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Perfect Way To Get Perfect Pageant Hair
Regardless of the type of pageant that you will be competing in, one thing is always consistent in any contest where beauty is involved and that is well kept, healthy hair.
Few people know this, but your hair is actually part of your skin, and so a healthy lifestyle and plenty of water are as essential for your hair as they are for the rest of your body. Pageant judges know this, which is why they pay close attention to hair styles and appearances, and it is important to choose the style that is right for you. The good news is that salon style hair products, with their superior, salon quality hold, fresh fragrances, natural extracts, and amazing texture formulas, can help you achieve, and keep, a style that will not melt under those hot stage lights.
A sophisticated updo is ideal as many pageant hair styles can be adapted for prom, and vice-versa. A sophisticated full updo is centered on a small, tasteful clip or accessory, and hair can be wrapped tightly a chignon or more loosely. When wrapping, it is important to blow dry individual sections and use product to add texture and definition to each section. You can either gather the hair in the back upwards and wrap hair around from the side, or, for a unique updo take, try wrapping a section of your under hair across your forehead and securing on the side with bobby pins. Most importantly, be sure to use a firming gel for extra hold that lasts all day from your first stage walk to your tearful acceptance speech.
A Down Do with a braid is ideal if you have straight or wavy shoulder length hair. Why not showcase it in all of its healthy, shiny glory? Instead of an updo, try braiding a small section of hair at the top of the head, just where your part is, and securing it in the back with a little pearl clip. A unique, fun hair style like this one is sure to stand out to the judges, and make your competition green with envy. If this type of hairdo sounds too complicated do not worry it really is not. With a little practice in front of a mirror, anyone can create this style. If you are unsure about how to start, why not make an appointment with your stylist, who can show you the style, as well as recommend the products that are right for you.
The pretty pony tail, despite the fact it may sound basic, can dress it up easily by securing it at the middle with an accessory, and adding wispy, softly curled tendrils to the sides of your face. Be sure to use your favorite holding spray to keep your style in place.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thighs the limit for Foxy Megan
MEGAN FOX had to share the limelight with a 16-foot yellow robot at the Tokyo premiere of Transformers 2 last night.
But she still made sure all eyes were on her with a beautiful Donna Karan purple dress, slashed to the thigh to reveal her perfect pins.
Thousands of Japanese fans turned out to catch a glimpse of Megan and co-stars SHIA LaBEOUF, RAMON RODRIQUEZ and JOSH DUHAMEL, who chatted and signed autographs on the red carpet.
And they gasped in amazement as a parked Camaro car on the red carpet suddenly turned into the yellow robot in a puff of smoke.
Transformed ... Megan Fox, Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf, Ramon Rodriguez, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and Isabel Lucas
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, directed by MICHAEL BAY, sees Megan and Shia return to the roles as teenage couple Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, who join forces with the Autobots to save the world from their evil robot enemies, the Decepticons.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Alicia Keys
Half African-American, half Italian soul musician Alicia Keys exploded onto the music world with her 2001 debut album, Songs in a Minor. With a pop, gospel, R&B and soul blend, the album, along with its hit single Falling, went platinum five times. Writing songs since she was 14 years old, Alicia Keys also worked on several movie soundtracks, one of which was Men in Black (1997).
On February 6, 2005, Alicia Keys will perform the song America the Beautiful at the Super Bowl, which is to be held in Jacksonville, Florida. Made popular by such musicians as Vikki Carr and Alicia Keys will be accompanied by 150 children from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
"I'm very excited to be playing at the Super Bowl for the first time, especially because I will be singing a song made famous by an artist I admire, miss and respect." Alicia Keys
On a different note, Alicia Keys makes reference to a phone number in her love song, Diary. When fans called the number a Georgia man named J.D. Turner got the calls as he had the same number.
As a humanitarian, Alicia Keys has paid much attention to AIDS pandemic. Alicia and Sean Combs performed on MTV's Saturday concert (2002), which was part of World Aids Day special program. She also starred in the Urban AIDS promotion held in Toronto's Ricoh Coliseum in 2004.
On February 3, 2005, Alicia Keys will be featured in live performances with artists such as Good Charlotte, Kelly Clarkson, Hoobastank and Simple Plan in an effort to support the MTV Asia Aid promotion.
Emma Watson Shows Off Her Grown-Up Style
Emma also talks about her active social life (currently revolving around 18th birthday parties) and her upcoming role in Ballet Shoes. We love watching Emma making her transformation from cute little girl to fashionista, so hopefully she'll stick around in the spotlight even after the Harry Potter franchise finally comes to an end.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
My Review Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's 8x09: "No Future For You Part 4"

Artwork by Georges Jeanty
Faith (to herself, remembering The Mayor): “Everybody thinks he was like, exploiting me or whatever, but that’s not how it felt. So I totally get how chicks can get mixed up in the wrong crap. Even today, it’s still hard to look back at my time with that guy and feel anything but loved.”
Clearly someone loves “Graduation Day Part 1” a lot because this issue opens up with the evil but loving Faith/Mayor Wilkins team. It’s nicely stated that Richard saw Faith as the daughter he never had and despite her knowing he was a corrupt she still can’t bring herself to hate him.
I know the girl’s got Daddy issues that would make a writer like Brian K. Vaughan proud (due to the fact he scripts for Lost) but his grasp on Faith’s never ending yearning to be loved and accepted is really effective. It’s also the very thing that both she and Gigi have in common despite their friendship now being over.
Gigi doesn’t take being lied to easily and with an asshole like Roden egging her on, she’s only too happy to put her skills with an axe to good use. Funny thing is that Gigi does continue the romanticised/gay overtone with her and Faith by mentioning bathtub. Faith on the other hand tells her to get over it. Perhaps not the smartest to say to an axe wielding slayer but I already know who I want to win this fight.
Unfortunately for the time being it’s Gigi making the right moves even if she still can’t actually behead Faith with that axe of her. Faith does try to explain that she never lied about the stuff that mattered and you can tell she’s being sincere with that claim of her. Gigi responds by smacking her in the face with bottom of the axe.
Also realising that Faith is far from British, Gigi then enquires about her real origins. Faith didn’t get a chance to explain before Gigi comes to the conclusion she’s American but the coolest is seeing Faith kick Gigi from the balcony into the conservatory with just one swift kick. On screen that would’ve just looked amazing. In fact this is the kind of fight scenes that worked perfectly on the televised series.
The best thing about Faith here is that she decides to take advantage of the situation by simply explaining she’s from Boston. Gigi still doesn’t give a flying fuck and makes with the axe attack once again. I know that Gigi is going to lose this battle and her snobbery towards Faith’s lowly stature is quite an annoying thing to listen to. I get it Gigi you’re rich. That doesn’t mean Faith is beneath you. After all you did seem to have the hots for her before Buffy spoiled the party.
Faith still tries to reason with Gigi even though you know the girl ain’t for turning. Faith betrayed her and Gigi is determined to end her life as a result. More interesting is that Faith then tries to warn Gigi about Roden. Now only an idiot would think he has genuine affection for the spoiled slayer so Gigi is then pretty stupid when she all too quickly jumps to the guy’s defence.
The issue of Faith not having many friends has been looked at from time to time. We know that some of that has to do with her turning people who care about her away and other times, her inability to have a genuine connection with another person, but isn’t Gigi one to talk on the matter?
She told Faith last issue that her parents kept her from interacting with people her own age due to home schooling and it’s not like she gets on with her own rich crowd either. Part of the reason why Gigi doesn’t have pals is down to the fact she’s an intolerable bitch when push comes to shove.
It’s also amazing for a girl who also in the previous issue bragged about being able to manipulate men she isn’t able to see that Roden is using her. If he was genuinely worried then surely he would be helping Gigi in taking out Faith and not just watching instead? Well that’s what you think.
Also when it comes to thinking, I’m glad Giles hasn’t given up on trying to get to Faith even if with the help of Trafalgar he’s still failing to get past the force field protecting Gigi’s estate. Trafalgar is a fun enough character but man doesn’t he give up just a little bit too quickly as well?
As if Giles didn’t have that for a hindrance, he then has to deal with Buffy’s childish behaviour when she berates him for working with Faith. Okay Buffy has every right in the world to be mad at Giles for not telling her about Gigi and Roden. On that score Giles should’ve kept her informed but yelling at him because he’s working with Faith makes her sound like a spoiled bitch to put it mildly.
I said it in my last and I will say it, if this situation had involved either Angel or Spike, Buffy would only happily oblige to give them the benefit of the doubt but because it’s Faith she has to go off on one. Maybe Giles should’ve apologised for not keeping her in the loop but Buffy should know by now that he’s always got her back.
Perhaps yelling at Buffy for not taking Faith with her and effectively telling her to mind her own business wasn’t his best move but Buffy’s hatred for Faith has well and truly worn thin. If she can forgive both Spike and Angel for the shit they’ve put her through then she needs to start forgiving Faith as well.
Willow is quick to enquire about the friction between Buffy and Giles and Buffy at least has the practical sense to tell Willow to help Giles but she doesn’t exactly mask her hurt in regards to feeling left out. Xander is his level headed best by trying to get Buffy to figure that maybe Giles needs the alone time but Buffy seems too pissed off to be convinced of that.
Meanwhile Faith and Gigi are still beating the ever holy shit out of one another and Gigi even finds the time to complain about Faith ruining her mum’s Rose bush. Yeah Gigi, I’m sure Faith really cares about a lame Rose bush when you’re trying to kill her and not listening to a word of sense.
Faith doesn’t give up on slamming Roden’s name and I for one am only glad of it. Still Gigi is stupid and refuses to believe that Roden doesn’t care for her and nearly kills Faith with some garden shears. Luckily Gigi is a crap shot and Faith manages to catch them instead of getting slaughtered by them.
The same can’t be said for Gigi who finally meets her death but not before she spouts more self-entitled nonsense about being a worthy slayer. Oh Gigi you dumb bitch, you’re only one out of nearly 2000 slayers world wide and you’re probably not even the most strongest, smartest or even corrupt of them either.
Faith then does everyone a massive favour and kicks Gigi straight into the axe but sadly, Faith had only intended to knock the girl out and not do her in. Faith’s reaction is out of disgust and sadness and even Gigi before snuffing coolly recognises the outcome of her fate. I almost a “Last Of The Time Lords” The Doctor/The Master type of scene except what I see here is kind of better.
Roden isn’t one to miss an opportunity and instead of healing Gigi, he’s quick to offer to help Faith rid the world of Buffy and to point out that his former charge was a means to an end. Showing Faith the book with the Twilight inspires her to whack him across the face with. Clearly the girl isn’t for conversion.
However one thing that is noteworthy is how rather sexist Roden seems to be. He berates Faith for a twenty something slayer who is still alive and even has a go at Giles about his determination to wipe out every slayer in existence. Look we all know what happens to sexist creeps on this show. If you’re Warren you get flayed by Willow and if you’re Caleb you get sliced in half by Buffy. So what cool comeuppance can be waiting for Roden?
With Giles in the mix and Faith released from her stone prison, I can tell you one thing – garden shears won’t end Roden. Giles does make a good effort with them but Roden is impervious to being stabbed in the back. Perhaps in a literal sense it’s something that has happened to him on a regular basis.
However Giles using one of Roden’s mystical fields by putting it inside the devious warlock does the trick as Roden’s head literally explodes. There are times when I can forget Giles’ dark side. This act of ingenuity more than serves as a great reminder. It’s kind of sad that both Gigi and Roden have been killed because they’ve been amazing villains but hats off to the superb ending both of them had. I also dig the fact that Faith puts her hand on Giles’ shoulder and tells him they should leave.
There’s the thing. In the last two issues I was disappointed with the lack of Giles and Faith interacting with each other after the wonderful moments they had at the start of this arc. Their last scene here more than makes up for it. Faith has fulfilled her obligation and Giles keeps his end of the bargain by giving her a passport, cash and a plane ticket only for Faith to have a turn around.
She might not relish bloodshed with the same lust when we met her back in “Faith, Hope And Trick” but seeing Gigi die has made her realise that there will be other bad slayers out there. Instead of wanting to kill them, Faith comes up with the idea of trying to rehabilitate before they go over the deep end.
What’s even better is that not only does Giles fully support the idea he also wants a piece of the action and suggests a partnership with Faith to which she agrees. Both of them note that Buffy might not be thrilled but the hell with Buffy; this is one of the best plot developments going. I love that Giles is putting himself in a mentoring position with Faith. The more positive influences that girl has around her the better, right?
Last but not least if this issue wasn’t amazing enough, we’ve finally got a bigger idea of Twilight. Instead of it being an organisation, it’s actually a person. Better than that it’s the same one who was spying on Buffy during the castle raid in the first issue. Even better than is his explanation to Lieutenant Molter is that he was using Gigi and Roden as pawns and is delighting in the friction between Buffy and Giles. This guy wants to end magic and it looks like he could possibly succeed.
Also in “No Future For You Part 4”
Covers for this issue included a naked Faith burning her dress (I got that one) and Steed/Peel drawing of Faith and Giles.
Genevieve: “You’re not even English are you? Where is that horrid accent from anyway? New York?”
Faith: “Ouch. That hurts. For the record I’m a Boston girl. You know like the tea party.”
Those statues in the conservatory looked like they were of Greek women. Gigi’s mum certainly has extravagant tastes.
Genevieve: “I should have listened to Roden.”
Faith: “Who, Lucky Charms? If you want someone to be pissed at, try him. Trust me, Dude is gonna be the death of you.”
Genevieve: “He may push me but Roden’s also my best mate. Something I doubt you’ve ever had.”
Giles: “You can’t give up Trafalgar.”
Trafalgar: “Tell that to my last hundred wives. I’m sorry but it’s gonna take arts darker than mine to get you to the other side.”
Why did Buffy have that phone exchange with all of the slayers around there? Was she trying to shame Giles in a way?
Willow: “Is … is everything okay, Buffy?”
Buffy: “Do what you can for him.”
Xander: “Er, maybe the boss just needs some alone time.”
Buffy: “What other kind is there?”
Genevieve (re Roden): “He knows I can handle myself. He trusts me. He adores me.”
Faith: “Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. But either way, part of you knows something ain’t right cause you’ve never deserved to be loved by anyone.”
There’s a promo in this issue for cover artist Jo Chen’s upcoming The Other Side. Premise wise it sounds pretty interesting.
Faith (to Genevieve): “If you’re so sick of the bad dreams, then wake the fuck up.”
Faith: “I never meant -”
Genevieve: “Yeah but it’s like the song goes.”
I wonder if Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word is the song Gigi is alluding to. I’m interested in finding out.
Faith (taking the book): “Thanks but I ain’t much of a reader.”
Roden: “Keep it anyway, luv. I already know how it ends.”
Roden: “You desperate old git. Did you honestly just try to use one of my own containment spells against me? I can break out of any mystic field ever enchanted.”
Giles: “I know. That’s why I put one in you. Burst.”
This issue was at least twenty four pages long. Apparently the next issue “Anywhere But Here” will be twenty five pages.
Giles: “I’m afraid I wouldn’t know. Buffy and I aren’t on speaking terms at the moment.”
Faith: “Then I guess we’re on our own, huh?”
Giles: “It would appear so.”
Molter: “How can you see a victory when Buffy’s narrow ass lives to fight another day?”
Twilight: “Let her have her day, Lieutenant. Night falls soon enough.”
No Dawn in this issue, which isn’t too bad as she factors in a big role in the next issue.
This arc started off so well and “No Future For You Part 4” ensured that it ended so brilliantly. In fact this entire arc could rival some of the best episodes in sci-fi and fantasy television and definitely even certain Buffy episodes. That being said, I bet not have to wait a long time to see Faith and Giles and I’m so psyched about this Twilight arc now more than ever.
Rating: 10 out of 10.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My review of Angel's 6x01: "After The Fall Part 1"

Written by Brian Lynch
Artwork by Franco Urru
Angel (to himself): “I don’t tell them they’re here because I took a stand. My friends stood by me. Wolfram and Hart sent an army. There were losses on both sides.”
Eight months and eight issues after the successful launch of Buffy’s eighth season in the comic format, it was inevitable that fans of Angel were going to get the same sort of continuation from the series. Low and behold it’s here but as a hardcore fan, even I had reservations about this comic.
First off I loved the fifth and final season and absolutely detested the WB and their bullshit reasons for cancelling it. However I do have some hang ups that over three years have not gone away. I may be in a minority but I hated the writers for adding Spike into the mix and the contrived way they tried to fit him in with the gang and although Illyria had her uses, she was something we could’ve done without too.
The biggest problem I had with Season Five was the beyond idiotic decision of Joss Whedon’s to kill off 80% of his core characters. Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and Fred were every bit as vital to the series’ success as Angel and I still can’t rack my brains around why Joss would do such a thing.
Season Six’s opening issue however does kick into the action rather speedily as we see a girl in a clearly near devastated LA trying to escape the clutches of a savage demon. In the first page Angel muses about some of his crappier decisions, the biggest one being insane enough to join Wolfram And Hart. Yeah, there’s nothing like losing your friends and hell on earth to come to that conclusion.
Fortunately Angel does what he does best and slays the demon determined to kill the unfortunate lady. Even better is that the dragon Angel wanted to slay is actually helping him and there’s nothing more impressive than seeing Angel’s new pal scorch an entire army of demons. Yeah, now that we’re in comic land we’re getting to see things that you would die to see onscreen.
Funnily enough Angel then shifts his attention on the girl and two of her mates doing a bit of looting and scolds them. One of the pals is quick to point out that they’re stealing for survival. LA really has become quite the hell dimension but Angel just gives the girl and her friends an address for a place for them to hide before taking off with the dragon.
The girl is quick to wonder why LA has become the way it has over the last couple of months and it’s not much of a surprise that Angel has heard this time and time again. He points out that he’s responsible for how badly things have shaped out. Wolfram And Hart weren’t best pleased with Angel’s attempts to take them down in “Not Fade Away” but even Angel couldn’t have foreseen the evil law firm seeing LA quite literally to hell.
Concept wise, this is pretty damn cool. Compare this to any classic apocalyptic going and that is the rumoured outline to what a televised sixth season of the series would’ve been like. Angel’s also quick to point out that it took the humans longer to figure out they were in deep shit while many of the demons took advantage of the misfortune and carved out their own territories.
Angel’s heroics at the start are then challenged by the revelation that not only is he still living in Wolfram And Hart but he’s set upon by the surviving demons’ leader and the leader’s father Burges.
Burges is established as the lord of downtown LA but it’s his bratty son who wants payback for the scorched army and smacks Angel around as a means of getting even. To say I didn’t want this demon killed there and then would be an understatement but mouthy demons are nothing compared to Wesley stepping out of a white room.
I know the last time we saw Wesley he was dead but here he seems to breathing and cool. He’s not exactly jumping up to save Angel’s life in the physical sense but he does get Burges’ annoying away from decimating Angel, so there’s points there. Wesley even makes a sarcastic crack about denying Angel his TV privileges to which neither Angel or Burges’ brat find particularly. Too bad because I could imagine Alexis Denisof delivering that line quite well onscreen.
Now before you ask, Wesley hasn’t been miraculously resurrected (which sucks because no matter how cheesy, I want Cordy, Gunn, Fred and Wesley back and breathing). Instead his ghost is legally bound to Wolfram And Hart and he’s now the liaison between them and Angel. Well anything is better than Eve or Hamilton I suppose.
Still while he’s forced to help out the evil law firm it doesn’t altogether mean that Wesley is evil as he does ask Angel what happened to the people Angel rescued. Please tell me there’s some nice plotting against Wolfram And Hart because I’m not too thrilled with the idea of Angel and Wesley being total pawns for them.
The people themselves have managed to get as far as Santa Monica in their quest for safety. Between some quips about Angel being hot but untrustworthy, the bigger issue is to whom Angel has sent these people to. I was kind of hoping that perhaps Gunn would factor here but it’s mainly a hotel full of a human/good demons and then there’s electro girl Gwen Raiden.
Last seen in Season Four, Gwen is the first familiar face to see if the distressed people are good guys but it’s werewolf Nina Ash’s tactic that’s more interesting. If you can’t get enough of the gay subtext between Faith and Gigi, then Nina coming up to a former lawyer and licking her face is quite erotic if creepy.
Interestingly enough both Gwen and Nina have a leader and it makes sense their commander happens to be Connor. He saw the carnage that LA was heading for and it makes sense that he would want to help. Also can I say that a Connor/Gwen/Nina team is a good idea? Angel needs as many decent allies as he can get and we need decent characters to.
Back in Wolfram and Hart, while Angel is getting healed up by a mystic spider of sorts, there’s a very interesting exchange between him and Wesley that not only could be a reflection on the bleaker elements of Season Five but also of what this season could have in store for us too.
Wesley challenges Angel about both of them being unable but also he expresses some disapproval of Angel’s decision to save civilians and put them under Connor’s care. He’s also quite negative about the idea of Angel still trying to defeat Wolfram And Hart. I don’t want to sound overtly romantic but I’d like to think there will be some form of a happy ending in this season.
I like that Angel is still determined to try and fix this mess. Regardless of what Wesley is saying (or perhaps being forced to say by the senior partners), there’s something that has to be undone about this mess. It’s also alarming that the ever useless Powers That Be aren’t making some effort to help Angel. They should be via the use of Cordelia/Fred.
Still there might be some flicker of hope for Angel as while Wesley is telling him to get some control, there’s an image of a sphere. It’s the same sphere that’s also stuck inside the skeletal demon KR’PH who has taken over a stadium and is forcing those he’s kidnapped into a battle of his own.
Surrounded by a hoard of scantily clad women, other demons and would be warriors, the thing that stands out the most is a telepathic fish in chains called the Splenden Beast. Then again anything is slightly better than the humans talking about their former occupation.
When I first heard that a telepathic fish was going to be a canonized character in the sixth season, I slightly groaned. I really shouldn’t have because the fish in question is actually quite cool. Visually he’s one of the best drawn things in the entire issue but also I liked his resentment in being forced to brain yell at the hapless humans to fight each other. Plus he gets a witty comment or two in his short sequence.
KR’PH might like to think he’s a big bad in the making but as the Splenden Beast points out, there’s some humans who are more angered rather than scared of him. KR’PH learns that the hard way when a gang lead by Gunn storm into the stadium and not only do they slaughter his arm but they kill him on the spot and steal the sphere. Surely Angel should be pleased about this development but then him and Gunn haven’t interacted in this issue.
Gunn’s a bit more flirtatious and cocky here than I remember him last but it’s not a bad thing. He’s got a neat little gang and he even frees the women. However the biggest shock of the entire issue is that Gunn also happens to now be a vampire and ends this issue by feasting on one of the women. It’s incredibly given what happened to his sister and how much he hates the blood suckers himself. Not altogether sure I like that particular development.
Angel on the other hand gets a little bit of a zest by killing that tedious brat of Burges but it also means he’s officially declaring war on the demon kind of LA while Wesley walks cryptically back into the white room. If Twilight is a foreboding sense of danger in Buffy, then this hell on earth and the further evil machinations of Wolfram And Hart could very well beat it. That being said I dig that Angel isn’t prepared to totally surrender even he has been massively losing this battle so far.
Also in “After The Fall Part 1”
There are five covers for this issue with two of them being the same. The one I bought was Angel in prayer mode.
Female Lawyer (to Angel): “One minute everything was fine and then … I didn’t deserve this! I’m a good person! I’m a lawyer.”
This issue opened with Angel saying the same thing he said in “City Of”. It started with a girl. Only this time, the girl has changed.
Angel (to himself): “Go against their rules, the punishment would be worse. Not sure how but they’re Wolfram and Hart. They not only know of places worse than hell, they have timeshares there.”
Burges: “So vampire how was work? Slaughter lots of big bad monsters?”
Angel: “It’s not work when you love what you do. Always a pleasure Burge.”
Wesley is dressed in the way we met him back in Buffy’s third season. Parts of that personality are also surfacing too.
Angel: “They were trying to kill people. Right under my nose. Can’t help but notice your grip is getting tighter.”
Wesley: “Now Angel I’m sure they weren’t trying to kill the humans. They were trying to enslave them.”
Angel: “I don’t even know why I carry one with me. Haven’t had to use one for months. Remember when vampires were our biggest problem?”
Wesley: “Only when you went bad.”
Someone online said the hotel where Connor, Gwen and Nina were staying was the Hyperion. Not entirely sure if that’s true but it would make sense.
Gwen (to civilians): “Chill out hotshot, just wanna see if you’re on the up and up.”
Nina: “No it’s the sun/moon situation. They’re both out at once. Do you have any idea what that does to a werewolf?”
Female Lawyer: “Makes you hungry?”
Nina: “No.”
Female Lawyer: “Makes you bi-curious?”
Angel mentioned a female’s death being the reason behind his decision to take on Wolfram and Hart. It has to be Cordelia and Fred. Because of W&H, at least one of them is dead.
Angel (re spider creature): “Do I feel it? This thing is alive?”
Wesley: “Something in this room should be. It’s not capable of emotion.”
Cop: “Warrior? I was a cop.”
Bouncer: “I was a bouncer. That’s kinda like a warrior, I guess.”
What exactly does that neat little orb do that both Angel and Gunn were in pursuit of it?
KR’PH: “A gaggle of mongrels die for every second you don’t brain yell.”
Betta George: “Man, does everyone hate you?”
Gang Member (re KR’PH): “You hear that Gunn? Man wants to help us get what we want.”
Gunn: “Oh, I know he can. He’s just not going to be the biggest fan of how.”
Because this is IDW comics, there’s a promo of their upcoming Doctor Who comics featuring The Doctor and Martha.
Gunn: “You may have been a team before I joined but I trained. Plus I co-ordinated the outfits.”
Gang Member: “You made us wear these.”
Angel (to himself): “I was told not to leave this building, not one step. I was also told that everything I was doing was wrong. A friend said it, face to transparent face. Thing is … everything’s different and I don’t know who told him to say it.”
No Spike, Illyria, or Lorne in this issue. None are referenced by either Angel, Wesley or Gunn.
Angel (to himself): “It all begins with a stake to the eye. Of course this might be exactly what Wolfram and Hart wants, that’s fine. Let them think they’re in charge. Wolfram and Hart have taken away everything I had. Everyone I cared for, everything I was. But that’s how I’m going to win. They think they’ve changed me.”
Chronology: A few months since “Not Fade Away”, possibly around the same time as Buffy’s “The Long Way Home”.
Well this surreal. In a lot of way the maxi-season (12 issues) of “After The Fall Part 1” captured a lot of interesting angles. The cruel fates handed to both Wesley and Gunn certainly up the ante and the lack of Spike and Illyria certainly helped proceedings. Looking forward to the next issue. The artwork however in some places is a little on the iffy side.
Rating: 7 out of 10.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
They're looking for our twins
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Toronto Sun, Canada - Nov 22, 2007
5, 1969, and Oscar winner Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, born July 24, 1982. Belek said he's already uncovered similarities among people living a world apart. ...
The Golden Globes Become a Cable Club
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, WA - Dec 13, 2007
The "Best Supporting Actress" category matches Anna Paquin X-Men (Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee), Rachel Griffiths (Brothers & Sisters), Rose Byrne (Damages), ...
Anna Paquin News - (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Dec 13, 2007
... Longford Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men- Bury My Heart At Wounded - Knee Jaime Pressly - My Name Is Earl Best Performance By An Actor In A Supporting Role In A Series, ...
Golden Globe TV Noms
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-MenNews - Ananova, UK - Dec 13, 2007
Katherine Heigl - Grey's Anatomy.Rachel Griffiths - Brothers & Sisters.Samantha Morton - Longford.Anna Paquin - Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. ...
Canadians Page, Gosling get Golden Globe nominations
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-MenNews - StarPhoenix, Canada - Dec 14, 2007
... Canadian Yves Simoneau, received nominations for best mini-series, best actor for Manitoba-born Adam Beach and best supporting actress for Anna Paquin. ...
Positive and negative values on TV
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, Philippines - Dec 3, 2007
?Fat Man and Little Boy? with Paul Newman and John Cusack; ?Fly Away Home? with Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men and Jeff Daniels; ?Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?; ...
Exeter High School honor roll
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Syed Ali, Jenna Bessemer, Andrew Bridges, Nicholas Brunelas, Hilary Campbell, Anna Cardoni, Robert Collinge, Mollie Conant, Quinn Conner, Nolan Daley, ...
Toy for Joy is chosen charity
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - The Republican -, MA - Dec 14, 2007
... Peace to all from Linda·························$50 In loving memory of my John·········$10 In memory of my grandparents Anna and Walter Larzazs. ...
Movies rule butt-numb-a-thon
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - UT The Daily Texan, TX - Dec 11, 2007
If anything, you may get a kick out of the scene in which Anna Paquin randomly turns into the "sexy werewolf" character. This year was my third time to ...
Oscar lately leaves Canada dry
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Variety, CA - Dec 6, 2007
... when Winnipeg native Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, then 11, became the second-youngest person to win (for her supporting role in 1993's "The Piano"). ...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is Harry Potter star Emma Watson turning into Keira Knightley?
So move over Keira Knightley, for Emma Watson yesterday gave her older competition a run for her money with a dramatic transformation from child star to grown-up starlet.
The 17-year-old Harry Potter actress, Emma Watson has been keen to distance herself from her schoolgirl character.
And judging by the elegant Chanel outfit and slick of siren red lipstick which replaced her school garb, the A-level student is coming of age at a rapid pace.
As she attended an exclusive dinner hosted by fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, the immaculately-dressed Miss Watson had even perfected the hand on dropped hip which has become Miss Knightley's trademark red carpet pose.
Like Miss Watson, 22-year-old Miss Knightley began her career as a child actress, starring in Bend It Like Beckham when she was aged 17.
Both young women come from respectable, close-knit families. And both have been courted as muses by the fashion label Chanel.
Emma Watson won a reported £500,000 contract to be the face of the perfume Coco Mademoiselle and is set to play Coco Chanel in a film about her life.
But it was her younger rival - who is on the books of model agency Storm - chosen to be an ambassador for Chanel's fashion range, often appearing on the red carpet and as a cover girl in its lavish outfits.
And in a further snub to Miss Knightley, her fellow actress topped her in a magazine poll of Britain's greatest female role models earlier this year.
Yesterday was no exception to her new appeal with Miss Watson - who has been playing Hermione Granger since she was 11 - donning a black silk pleated dress and shimmering sequined jacket.
In a bid to shed her goody two shoes image, the star partied the night away with Kate Moss and Kelly Osbourne.
Kylie Minogue, Natalie Imbruglia and Sean Lennon joined the glamorous party in London's Nobu restaurant.
A fellow guest at a recent charity gala attended by Emma Watson said: 'She is incredibly self-assured and despite following the likes of Elle Macpherson, is not bothered in the slightest. She is a star and knows it.'
Emma Watson, who is the new face of the iconic brand, was also joined at the event by Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco, actress Thandie Newton, Sophie Ellis Bextor and Natalie Imbruglia.
Models including Claudia Schiffer, Jodie and Jemma Kidd, Erin O'Connor and Agyness Deyn also attended the affair, which was thrown in honour of Lagerfeld.
Emma Watson's glamorous arrival comes just days after she unveiled her grown up new look in the pages of a glossy magazine.
In the fifties inspired shoot, she looked a world away from the most famous schoolgirl on the planet, Hermione Grainger, the heroine of the films based on JK Rowling's novels.
But the 17-year-old is already well aware of the trappings of fame.
“Recently a woman took my arm, looked at me very seriously and said, 'You're quite pretty in real life.' I didn't quite know how to take it.”
Watson, who has earned an estimated £10 million from the five Potter films, says she shuns stylists for red-carpet events.
“Getting someone else to choose things takes the fun out of it,” she said.
When not working she splits her time between her mother's house in Oxford, and her father's in London.
Emma Watson also has a busy social life.
"For the last three weekends I've been at an 18th birthday party," she said.
Watson, who is currently juggling A-levels and driving lessons, will appear on BBC1 during the Christmas season in a new TV film, Ballet Shoes.
The teenager says she related to her character, Pauline Fossil, an orphan.
"She reminds me a lot of when I was younger," she said.
"I was such a drama queen."
When she got the part she said on her website: “I could not let such an amazing project go. I loved Pauline from the start.”
Set in Thirties London, Ballet Shoes is the story of Pauline and her two sisters, who are adopted by an eccentric explorer, played by Richard Griffiths.
Emma Watson took ballet lessons and dyed her hair whiteblonde for the film, which will be screened on 28 December.
Emma Watson was voted Britain's greatest female role model in a magazine poll earlier this year, ahead of Keira Knightley and Kate Moss.
She is due to start filming the sixth Potter film, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince on 18 December.