If we can cast our mind back to Eurovision 2003! you may remember a pop trio from Latvia F.L.Y who song 'Hello from Mars' that was a favourite of mine from back then. Lauris was one of the main vocalist in F.L.Y. and since then has been busy becoming a big name in Latvia-Last year Lauris had a european hit With 'Es Skrienu' or in italian transalted to Correro da te (check out his great soap-Video) This track would have been a perfect eurovision song!
However for 2011 Lauris wrote a equally great song called
Banjo Laura in Eirodziesma 2011 contest he easily qualified for the final- and although getting top televote scores. His song lost out to Musiqq's 'Angel in Disguise' in the Top 3 super-final,
perhapes due to 'Laura- having abit much of the Fairytale/Rybak 2009 -factor.
The song a still a worthy winner we think & funny video to boot! (above) Come back to eurovision soong Lauris.

Lauris back in his Mc F.L.Y days
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