Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Glee Episode 22 Recap – "Journey" Episode

The episode starts with a jolt to the glee clubbers when they learn that Sue has been selected as a celebrity judge (along with Josh Groban and Olivia Newton John). They mourn what they assume is already a loss with a pizza party. Everyone’s crying over the idea glee club has finally ended and they won’t all be friends anymore. I almost shed a tear. Will drives home and hears Don’t Stop Believing on the radio. It’s really nostalgic to hear that song and realize it’s been a year since this all started. It’s been quite a journey for them, which is why Will decides the only fitting setlist for New Directions is a Journey medley.

First group up at Regionals is some group called Oral Intensity. Ew. Dirty thoughts. We don’t see much of them but they’re doing a medley of Josh Groban and Olivia Newton John. PSSHT. Everyone is tense but ready to prove that they can win this. Finn tells Rachel he loves her and they open their set with a duet of Faithfully. It merges into a group number of Anyway You Want It and at this point, everyone in the audience including me is jamming along. They close their set with their show stopper Don’t Stop Believing. It’s the song we all know so well from these kids only this time, everyone gets a part in the song. Well almost everyone. It’s great and they definitely deserve a trophy after that one.

Quinn’s mom shows up to congratulate her on her performance. She lets Quinn know that she kicked her dad out for having an affair and Quinn is welcome back home with the baby anytime. Quinn barely reacts to her mother and barely reacts to the fact her water just broke. It was the most emotionless water breaking I think i’ve ever seen. But whatever. I’ll just accept that like I accept the fact her 8 month baby bump disappeared during the performance. She cranks out her baby by the time Vocal Adrenaline is done. Jesse and Co perform a seriously mind blowing rendition of
Bohemian Rhapsody. God, I’ll miss Groff on this show. I feel like the ride to the hospital would have been longer than Quinn’s labor.

Rachel decides to be a masochist and confront Shelby one last time and beg for some of her love. She asks Shelby to leave Vocal Adrenaline and come teach at her school. Shelby is over it and would rather have a life. She still shows no interest in Rachel and obviously is oblivious to how bitchy she’s coming off. Seriously? I just don’t understand why the fact Rachel is a young woman means Shelby can’t have a relationship with her daughter. I mean geez, how selfish.

Speaking of selfish, the judges deliberate in a back room over who they think should win and Olivia is quite bitchy. She criticizes Josh Groban who likes New Directions and continues to trash New Directions for being a poor school. It pisses Sue off who starts to lose her temper. She tells Josh Groban to kiss her ass and then the results are read. Vocal Adrenaline wins and Glee comes in third place. This means that glee club is over. What the hell? I thought for sure N.D. would come in second so they would at least place and get to keep the club without it being overly cheesy with them winning.

The kids show their appreciation to Will with a tearful performance of To Sir, With Love. Sue watches from a dark shadowy corner and almost sheds a tear. She blackmails Figgins one last time to keep Glee for another year and it is revealed that she voted for our glee kids to win. Yay! Sue has a heart! Over The Rainbow and Quinn giving her baby Beth to Shelby. At this point, I feel like even Will’s ex wife deserves that baby more than Shelby. She hasn’t proven herself to be even a decent person when she’s with Rachel but again, I’ll accept it. I thought it was a fantastic episode overall. What did you guys think?

Source: Rickey

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Mildred Patricia Baena